Could you be my everything, my night's sky, my deepest dream?
Could you be who I prayed for, longed for, desire to love?
Could you be the one that my soul connects to, the one my heart awaits for?
With all these questions only time will tell.
My heart patiently waits, knowing true love never fails.
By D. D. Miles
You'd rather rock my body and not my soul, and I have a problem with that.
I do despise the way you look at my breast, hips, and thighs as though they were your personal prize.
Not understanding that all you see and wish to have is under subjection.
I offer you no pleasure to the measure of your erection that rose.
That's a fire that will become dire on the account of your inability to wait.
To wait on, to wait for the one you can call wife. I'm no bait, nor am I a fool to think, love is only love if and when two bodies can connect.
See, your lustful mindedness has become eclipsed by your selfish desire, so much so that you can't possibly see the real me.
Phased out, but he's not alone.
Some are so quick to trust, and later find themselves left in the dust from what we as women thought was love, but as it turns out, it was only lust.
I'd rather rust than to give myself away in lust, because I know Love is patient and it is kind to understand the difference Lust is fast fast fast... and no one knows how long things will last.
It's ultimate prize is those old faithful soul ties that bind.
Driven by a preconceived emotion, has it's victims regretful and broken.
So fervently I warn and I pray for those who are being led astray, this isn't the way, this isn't the way.
By D. D. Miles
Let me be clear. Our value is not being on our back nor is it up on our feet.
It's within every pulsation of our heart beat.
It's value is in every countless breathe that we take.
If everyone were to discover their own rhythm, they' would see just how priceless these heart beats can be.
It's life to me that's value you see.
My value, your value is not in what others can see, but within every syllable that God said we'd be.
Our identity is in Him, and He in us, we were created in His image, and that's beyond priceless.
We are worth more than just rubies, and more valuable than gold.
We are more valuable than any riches untold.
Please understand there is no value that can be compared to you.
This world has often lied to you.
It would have you to believe on a daily basis that you are worthless, and this dear people is so untrue.
Every time that lie tries to creep in, remind it of who's imagine that you're created in, because nothing can compare to you.
You are I am priceless.
By D. D. Miles
Somethings just can't be explained.
Whether it's the way you make me feel, or the way you hold my hand.
and Somethings you just can't erase.
Whether it's the memory of your warm embrace, or how tightly you hold me close waist to waist.
and Somethings you just can't believe is real.
It's like the most intimate times I spend with you, or the soul to soul deep connection I feel for you, and because at times my heart override what my mind says, and because it has caused me great pain in the past, I try to hide what I feel for you, to protect me.
I'm afraid.
My heart is worn on my sleeve, and should you ever leave,
Oh please don't ever leave, because I can't imagine feeling this way for anyone else, again--
I'm in love.
by D. D. Miles
My one true love looks at me as if I were from the heavens up above.
With nothing but love in his eyes, he gazes upon me like no other ever could.
He sees yesterday, today, and tomorrow in me.
Yet my future rest on his shoulders. He promises to take great care, provide, and to protect me.
Only a love like this could be sent from above.
He is mine and I am his.
His heart, he freely gives.
From the least of them to greatest of them, he has shown the purest of love.
He is not mine alone. I share my King with the world.
So I thank the Lord God on high for the shedding of his son's blood.
I call him my Savior. Only by God's grace and mercy can I say I am redeemed.
One act of love from my one true love crowned me royalty.
by D. D. Miles
Sometimes I feel like I can conquer the world, and other times I don't.
Sometimes I get the big picture, and sometimes it's in bits and pieces.
Sometimes my instructions are clear, and sometimes I miss the mark,
But there has never been a time that God has failed to do what He himself has promised.
Every time I am able to reflect back to where He has brought me from, I rejoice.
I've never known a time that I was ever alone.
I've never known a time when a way was not made for me.
I can't recall a time that I was not fed or had no place to lay my head.
Every time God was there, and the more I think back on things, it is I who allow the sometimes to limit me.
By D. D. Miles
Yes I can sing along to I'm every woman, but every woman is not me.
I was solely created to help birth the vision God has given you, me, us, and we trust Him.
I trust Him to do all that He has planned and instilled in us to do.
He is faithful to the faithless, and yes He continues to bless us when we deserve less, but I digress, because His will, his way, will always be addressed. Rest in knowing I am your woman, clothe in perfected femininity.
I offer you serenity for your troubles.
Your peace is within me.
No I am not every woman, but I am your woman in every way.
Favor, wisdom, and love is found within the walls of this vision of loveliness, I call her tranquility, because she is blessed by the best.
To understand this is to understand me, I am crowned in royalty, and have a heart of gold, I am your woman to be adorned and loved.
By D. D. Miles
I have to deal with my loneliness and I don’t like it so much.
Despite how I feel, I know God is always near, and it is in Him that I will always trust.
To be caught off guard with another distraction will sometimes help,
But it’s only a temporary fix.
All I can do is deal with how my heart feels.
It feels like heartbreak, but that’s not quite it,
It’s like wanting to be close to him, but he’s out of sight.
It’s like needing to be held by him, close and tight. I long for the one God has for me. I need him. Where is he?
What is he doing?
What is taking him so long?
Anxiously I wait.
Maybe he’s in preparation,
Or just barely making it on his own.
Maybe he found me, and somehow I mistakenly said, boy be gone,
Maybe he has unfinished business, or getting another degree.
No matter what he’s doing, I hope he’s still longing for me.
I miss him already and I haven’t even laid eyes on him,
My thoughts and prayers about him makes my heart skip a beat.
I should write my love a letter, and tell him how he effects the beat.
Dear Greatest Love Unknown,
by D. D. Miles
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